
Heal your past, design your future

Welcome to Thetahealing Institue

Title: “Exploring ThetaHealing: Insights Gained from a Decade of Practice”

Introduction: Welcome to the transformative world of ThetaHealing, where a journey of self-discovery leads to profound insights and powerful healing. With over a decade of practice, I’ve traversed the realms of practitioners and teachers, delved into feeling work, discovered the intricacies of the seven planes of existence, and unraveled the profound impact of beliefs and feelings on core, genetic, historical, and soul levels. Join me as I share my findings and conclusions, offering you a unique perspective on the connection between ThetaHealing and the realms of ego, super ego, and divine consciousness.

ThetaHealing Foundations: Upon immersing myself in ThetaHealing, I extensively studied the art of feeling work, a cornerstone of this transformative practice. I uncovered the intricate web that connects beliefs and feelings, resonating through four distinct levels: core, genetic, historical, and soul. The interplay of these levels offers a profound understanding of how we navigate the tapestry of existence.

Awakening to the Super Ego and Divine Consciousness: Through years of exploration, a profound realization emerged—the world is an extension of the ego, or what we term “ahankara.” This ego finds its reflection in various faiths and religions as the super ego, often referred to as “maha ahankar.” Whether labeled God, the Divine, or by any other name, this super ego resides at the apex of our consciousness, shaping our perception of the universe.

Unity of Divine Consciousness: In the realms of different planes of existence, a unifying truth emerged—God at the seventh plane is inherently connected to the divinity represented across all planes. Regardless of names or labels, the essence remains constant, a profound realization that transcends religious and spiritual boundaries.

Exploring the Levels of Healing: While the concept of four distinct levels—core, genetic, historical, and soul—profoundly enriches our understanding of healing, an alternate perspective arises. These levels may, in fact, be a manifestation of pure imagination. Healing, it seems, is a creation of “iccha shakti,” the divine willpower that crafts miracles and transformation.

The Power of Iccha Shakti: At the heart of all healing and transformation lies the remarkable force of “iccha shakti.” This divine willpower serves as the catalyst for miracles, guiding the process of healing. All forms of healing are essentially an infusion or release of iccha shakti—a profound understanding that deepens our connection to the divine forces within.

Conclusion: ThetaHealing transcends its techniques and methods, offering a gateway to explore the realms of ego, super ego, and divine consciousness. As I share my insights from a decade of dedicated practice, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embrace the power of iccha shakti, the unifying essence of divine consciousness, and unlock the profound potential that lies within you.

Ready to Embark on Your ThetaHealing Journey? Step into a world of self-discovery, healing, and transformation through the profound practice of ThetaHealing. Join us today to experience the power of iccha shakti and embrace the unity of divine consciousness, illuminating your path to a life of empowerment and wholeness.

Image of Bhupinder Kumar

Greetings ! Bhupinder Kumar – Your Guide to Transformative Healing

Welcome to the realm of holistic healing and personal transformation! I’m Bhupinder Kumar, a seasoned practitioner and master of an array of ancient healing arts, including Vedic Jyotish, Numerology, Palmistry, and Face Reading. With a rich tapestry of experience, I am here to offer you not just healing sessions, but a profound journey that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit.

Experience and Expertise: With a depth of experience, I have honed my skills in various healing modalities. From deciphering the celestial patterns of Vedic Jyotish to unveiling the secrets held in the lines of your palms and the features of your face, my expertise spans diverse realms of knowledge. My healing sessions are designed to harmonize your energies and lead you towards a state of holistic well-being.

A Path of Empowerment: My passion goes beyond individual sessions—I am committed to sharing the art of healing through teaching. Guiding others on their unique healing journeys is my calling. Through my guidance, you will gain practical skills and profound insights that facilitate self-discovery and personal transformation.

Unveiling “Healings with God”: A crowning achievement of my journey is the creation of the transformative course “Healings with God.” This course acts as a powerful catalyst for life changes, providing you with the tools to unlock prosperity, fame, success, and more. Grounded in ancient wisdom and tailored for the modern seeker, “Healings with God” is your gateway to a life filled with abundance and purpose.

Your Journey with Me: Whether you are seeking healing, guidance, or a roadmap to positive shifts, I am here to provide unwavering support. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, embracing healing, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. The path to a life of fulfillment and empowerment awaits you.

Embrace Transformation: Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Join me on the path to healing, growth, and abundance. Together, we will navigate the intricate threads of ancient wisdom to weave a life that resonates with purpose and vitality. Begin your transformative journey today !

“Enrolling in the ‘Healings with God’ course by Bhupinder Kumar has been life-altering. As an advocate in Delhi High Court, I was seeking balance and relief from my high sugar levels. This course not only transformed my perspective on life but also miraculously healed my chronic ailment. The profound teachings and techniques resonated deeply, leading to newfound success, serenity, and most importantly, restored health. Bhupinder’s guidance is a blessing, and ‘Healings with God’ is a beacon of hope and transformation.”

Vijay Kumar


“Embarking on the ‘Healings with God’ journey with Bhupinder Kumar has been a revelation. Struggling with inner turmoil and seeking direction, this course came as a beacon of light. Bhupinder’s profound insights and techniques gently guided me towards self-discovery and empowerment. Not only did it bring clarity to my life’s path, but it also catalyzed a positive shift in my overall well-being. The ‘Healings with God’ course is a true blessing, and Bhupinder’s expertise is a guiding force in every step taken.”

Ajay Damani

Textile Industry

“Recommending the ‘Healings with God’ course by Bhupinder Kumar is an absolute privilege. This transformative journey has been a turning point in my life. Struggling with self-doubt and career challenges, the course empowered me to unlock my potential and shift my energy positively. Bhupinder’s teachings are a blend of wisdom and practicality that have not only revitalized my career but also invigorated my spirit. ‘Healings with God’ is a treasure trove of holistic growth, and Bhupinder’s guidance is a testament to his dedication and expertise.”

Rohit Gupta


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